Amber—cleanses and purifies the body, mind, and spirit, as well as the environment. An ancient sacred stone to many peoples, it is one of the stones on the breastplate of the High Priest. It transmutes the negative into positive energy. It helps to manifest your desires into this reality. Amethyst—the physical representation of the Violet Ray. It cuts through illusion and enhances the psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation and it aids channeling abilities. Enhances a feeling of contentment and a connection to one’s spirituality. A stone of peace and strength. Amethyst activates the crown chakra. Apatite—stimulates the intellect and promotes realization. It facilitates the development of clairvoyance and telepathy. It enhances creativity. Danburite—facilitates
a connection with the Angelic realm, so you may communicate with
your spirit guides. One of the highest vibrational stones, it
activates the 3rd eye, crown, and etheric body chakras.
It relieves emotional pain and stress, and opens and elevates the
heart chakra. Labradorite---This stone emits a powerful light energy from planetary sources and beings to the soul of the user. It is used in facilitating astral travel. Promotes intellectual, intuitive, and mystical wisdom, unlocking the subconscious mind. It stimulates the brain, reduces anxiety, and clears and balances the aura. Merkaba—A
Merkaba is a star tetrahedron consisting of two interpenetrating
three-sided pyramids that form a three-dimensional Star of David.
It links the mind, heart, and body to produce an energy field. When
the Merkaba is activated around a person, they are completely
protected by the Love of the Universe. In Hebrew, it means
“chariot”, and in ancient Egyptian, it meant MER [rotating fields of
light], KA [spirit], and BA [soul]. Invoking the Merkaba helps
balance all the chakras, and awakens, heals, and transforms on the
spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional levels. Rose Quartz—the stone of positive love energy, compassion, and forgiveness. It replaces negativity with harmony, enhancing self- confidence and creativity. It balances the upper four chakras and eases sexual and emotional imbalances, while promoting the release of impurities. Fluorite—balances and cleanses the intellectual and physical bodies. It facilitates clarity of mind, concentration, and meditation. It aids in understanding higher, abstract concepts, and to be discerning as to the truth or reality of a situation. Fluorite enhances order, balance, and healing. It strengthens the bones and teeth. Kyanite—one of only two stones which never need cleansing or clearing [citrine is the other one]. A stone of attunement, good for communication and mental awareness. It stimulates psychic awareness. Excellent for mediation and dream recall.
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