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The following wands are medium size [approx. 14" to 20"]
and feature velvet handles of red,
blue, purple, green, rose, turquoise, or black.



 Medium Butterfly Fairy Crystal Wand    $299

Fairies and flora, shown here with Lithium quartz, charoite,
moonstone, amethyst and fluorite.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 1


 Medium Diana Crystal Wand    $299


Diana - Artemis, the Virgin Huntress, guardian of the wild animals,
with snake labrys, Unicorn, and stag.
Show here with a Russian Lemurian crystal.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 2


Medium Venus/Aphrodite Crystal Wand  $299


Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 3B



 Medium Quan Yin Crystal Wand    $299


Quan Yin with hummingbirds, butterfly, dragonfly,
moon and the eight-pointed Venus Star.
Shown here with Danburite and Amethyst Spirit Quartz.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 5


Medium Sekhmet Crystal Wand    $299


Lion-headed Sekhmet, Her wings spread wide in protection
with the solar disk above Her head symbolizing the World.
It forms the Hieroglyph, "Protector of the World".   
She caused and could cure illness (such as the bite of the scorpion--curative or deadly)
and as such became the patroness of physicians.
Sekhmet was the daughter of Ra, who used Her destructive powers
to defend universal order.
With Cat Star, the sacred animal of Bast, Goddess of love,
beauty, pleasure and sensuality.
Shown here with a growth interrupted crystal.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 6


Egyptian Crystal Wand     $299


This wand features Egyptian symbology, a Pyramid, a Scarab and a Merkaba.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 7 Merk

Crystal Wand    $299


This wand features Egyptian symbology, Pyramids on both ends and a Scarab.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order

Item # MW 7


Medium Lord & Lady of the Woods Crystal Wand    $299



Herne and the Lady of the Woods with Sun and triple Moon, butterfly,
and an antler of Stag--the great Horned God, the Lord of the forest and life,
and the protector of women and children.
Shown here with Tibetan Quartz.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 8


Medium Raven Crystal Wand  $299

Raven with other creatures of power -- dragon and owl.
Shown here with Lemurian Dream Jade and vogel cut smoky quartz.  

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 10

5 Dragons Crystal Wand  $299


Dragon is  pothewerful being that reconciles opposing principles.
Associated with the powers of Water, or Yin-female principle, it also represents the
masculine active powers of the sky, or Yang.
Dragon produces the waters of the primeval beginning or the world egg.
The bringer of good luck , Dragon is also regarded as a guardian. 
Shown here with a Arkansas window quartz.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 11


Medium Sun Moon Dragon Wand  $299


Dragon is the powerful being that reconciles opposing principles.
Associated with the powers of Water, or Yin-female principle, it also represents the
masculine active powers of the sky, or Yang.
Dragon produces the waters of the primeval beginning or the world egg.
The bringer of good luck , Dragon is also regarded as a guardian. 
Shown here with a Russian Lemurian quartz.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 12

Medium Fairy
Crystal Wand  $299




A Fairy flits among hummingbirds, dragonflies, butterflies, and flowers. 
With sun & moon, twining grape vines, amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone, and fluorite.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 17

Lily Crystal Wand  $299




Similar to the previous wand, but in this version the quartz crystal is set in a lily.
  Available with Green Man.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 18

Angel-Goddess Crystal Wand  $299


An Angel Goddess with Heavenly bodies--sun, moon, and stars.
Archangel Michael and other Angelic Entities empower this wand.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 19

Medium Winged Goddess Crystal Wand  $299



A winged Goddess with 5, 6, and 8-pointed [Venus] stars. 
Features the Moon and moonstone, amethyst, garnet, and rose quartz.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 20


Medium Green Man Wand  $299


The Forest Lord with cat's eyes, Pan's ears, and the Stag's horns
personifies the God of the wild places in many of his aspects. 
Adorned with dragon and other nature and animal spirits.

Shown here with stag antler and Lemurian Seed crystal.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # MW 21


Butterfly Crystal Wand  $398


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A filigree butterfly and moon with a large moonstone top several different forms
of the Goddess. With chakra gemstones and sacred geometry,
this wand embodies the transformational beauty of the Goddess.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # LW 2


Large Venus/Goddess Crystal Wand  $398


Approximately 18" long. Venus/Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty,
beguiles Gods and man alike. Without Her, there is no joy nor loveliness.
She moves in a radiant light--with Her, beauty comes.
This wand features the alchemical symbol of Venus as well as those things dear to Her
--the metal copper, the dove, and the color rose pink.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # LW 3

Egyptian Apophalite Wand  $398


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Isis, the Great Enchantress, and Her beloved mate Osiris,
who became Lord of the Dead, enchant us with Their Divine love story. 
When Her husband was killed by His younger brother Set,
Isis recovered Osiris' body parts and, through the strength of Her heart ,
used magic to resurrect Him and defend Their son, Horus
(who avenged His Father's murder).  As Lord of the Dead,
Osiris is considered the ruler of transformational change through natural cycles. 
Isis represents bountiful fertility and personal nurturing,
for all She blesses prospers and grows.

This wand may have the following symbols:
Ankh - Divine life essence;
Isis & Osiris - Divine female/male principle;
Scarab - transformation, renewal, rebirth, and resurrection;
Hawk - Eye of Horus - protection & good fortune;
Snake - Divine Life Force;
Winged Serpent - union of will with intelligence and compassion;
Winged disc - triumph and mastery (light prevailing over darkness);
Vulture - cleansing, transmutation (life from death); 
Sphinx - unshakable protective power; and
Mummy - Eternal life.
Available with Apophyllite (natural zeolite pyramid).

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # LW 7

Fairy Scepter Wand  $398

Fairies and Green Man represent the essential female/male earth energies.
Hummingbird's presence of pure joy and beauty
conjures love and opens our heart.
Dragonfly is the knower of the Dreamtime and
the illusion of material existence.
Butterfly helps us to "flutter" through our transformations
with grace and beauty.
Available with or without the seven-pointed Elven Star.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # LW 8

Greenman Scepter Wand   $398

The Forest Lord with cat's eyes, Pan's ears, and the Stag's horns
personifies the God of the wild places in many of his aspects. 
Adorned with dragon and other nature and animal spirits.
Shown here with stag antler and smoky citrine quartz.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # LW 9


Lady & Lord of the Woods Crystal Wand  $398

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Herne and the Lady of the Woods with a Celtic Cross
representing the 4 directions and the 4 seasons.  Also on this wand is Dragon,
a powerful guardian that reconciles opposing principles, who is the bringer of good luck.
The serpent symbolizes the dynamic kundalini energy, and the snake labrys is
a symbol of the Goddess.  With Sun and triple Moon, butterfly, hummingbird and
Stag--the great Horned God, the Lord of the forest and life, and the protector
of women and children.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order

Item # LW 11

Goddess Crystal Wand  $398

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3 Moon Goddess with moonstone and other Goddess symbology,
such as the 8-pointed star of Venus (Ishtar, Innana) and the Yoni triangle. 
Moonstone is an emotional balancer that aligns emotions with the Higher Self
and thus deepens intuition. 

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order

Item # LW 13

Angel/Goddess Crystal Wand   $398

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Angels pray over each chakra gemstone for our healing and enlightenment. 

On the back is the 8 pointed star of Ishtar or Venus/Aphrodite,
Goddess of love, beauty, and war.
Use this wand to connect with your Angelic guides and your own Angelic nature.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order

Item # LW 14

Sun/Moon Dragon Scepter Wand  $398

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The Sun and Moon are ancient Tantric symbols of the
union of opposites, the universal male - female duality.
With Dragons, guardians and bringers of good luck, kundalini serpents, Gods
and Goddesses, Lemurian Dream Jade (reconnects you to your Divine Goddess energy
and helps you dream new states of being) and Moonstone.

Please e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com to place an order
Item # LW 18

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Heartsongs by Ishani 
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Preferred method of payment is PayPal.
e-mail: heartsongs8@yahoo.com

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