In 1972, I was practicing
(the yoga of personal loving service to
the God and Goddess
in forms made of
Earth) in ancient mountains, with virgin
forest, waterfalls, and abundant herbs
and vegetation.
The devas and nature
spirits were constantly dancing and
I was guided to make adornments for the
God and Goddess, but having forgotten past life technical
skills, I was dependant on Their
guidance and inspiration.
That is why, from my heart, I tell you
that I was taught my skills directly by
the Gods and Goddesses Themselves.
I have now been able to access memories
of "sharing" with crystals in Lemuria,
and creating crystal tools for healing
in Atlantis.
Previously, desire
alone was needed to manifest healing
tools. Today, they are first
manifest on the spiritual plane through
meditation, then they are "drawn"
through to this plane by physical labor.
Because all the items I make are first
"birthed" on the spiritual plane, I feel
each wand is pre-destined and
appropriate for the person who receives
it. I have spent
my life in metaphysical studies and
I have received "initiation" from many
different traditions, such as Priestess in
the Fellowship
of Isis, Christian
Baptism, Brahmin initiation, and
walked the Four Directions with a
Cherokee Medicine Woman. However,
initiation means little
unless one "walks her talk". I feel an
urgency now to help everyone heal and
connect with their Heart Guru, and I
hope the items I make can facilitate
this. If you are drawn to an item,
and money is an obstacle, we can make
arrangements. If you are blessed
with lot's of money, and want to help
out the less endowed, by all means do!
My vision is people sending
ever-expanding, loving, healing energy
through crystals bringing peace to
corners of the Earth. At the
present moment, I am "economically
challenged", but soon I hope to make
available very inexpensive wands to help make this vision a reality. |
Each day of creation begins with the
cleansing of ourselves and workspace,
and the angels, devas, and spirit guides
are called upon for guidance.
are not simple decorations - they are
tools for spiritual growth - ours and
yours! Our intention is that the
positive energies of heaven and earth
may flow through our work to you.
Ancient wisdom and modern techniques are
used to create the spiritual tools that
are right for each person. All the
crystals used are collected reverently
and with respect for these great gifts
from Mother Earth. Each item comes with
a detailed description of it's medicine
or spiritual qualities and the stones
We try to ship as quickly as possible.
Each item is created with care, so some
orders, especially large wands, may take
longer. If for any reason you
are not
completely satisfied with your purchase
please return the item within 10 days
for a refund. |
It has come to our attention that other
manufacturers are copying our designs, and
claiming affiliation with us.
We do not sanction the use of our
designs or good name by anyone else.
To make sure that you have a quality
product by "Heartsongs by Ishani"
send us an e-mail. |
We attempt to keep our prices as
low as possible
while maintaining the highest quality ingredients and
Please call for your price quote. We will work with you.
Retail and wholesale.
Please note that all our
designs are copyrighted and may be reproduced only
with our expressed written consent. |
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over the world. e-mail: